NATHO is a non-profit association of travel healthcare organizations, founded in 2008 to promote ethical business practices in the travel healthcare industry, setting the gold standard for professional conduct of member travel healthcare agencies on behalf of candidates and clients.
As our partner healthcare systems seek assistance with staffing the COVID-19 crisis and our nation’s clinicians rise to the challenge, NATHO would like to share our commitments as outlined in our Code of Ethics:
Relationships with healthcare system clients and potential clients:
- A member shall reasonably fulfill all agreements made with a client or a potential client, and shall make no promises that the member has reason to believe it cannot fulfill.
- A member shall preserve all confidences of a client or a potential client on information concerning business practices of the client, unless expressly directed by the client to reveal such confidences.
- A member shall not knowingly make a false statement of fact to a client or candidate or another member organization, and shall state to the client as accurately as possible a candidate's employment history and qualifications.
- A member shall not encourage a candidate to breach a current obligation or future contract.
Relationships with healthcare candidates and potential candidates:
- A member shall not knowingly make a false statement of fact to a candidate and shall state to a candidate as accurately as possible the responsibilities, compensation, hours and other pertinent information concerning prospective opportunities.
- A member shall not present a candidate's name or curriculum vitae to a client, a potential client or another firm except with the consent of the candidate.
- A member shall not encourage a candidate to breach a current obligation or future contract.
As our industry unites to meet this moment, you may rely on your NATHO partners to conduct business in an ethical and honorable manner. Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns at (646) 350-4083 or by email at info@NATHO.org.
On behalf of our membership, we express our gratitude to all of the doctors, nurses, allied clinicians and healthcare system staff members that are working tirelessly to save patients and guard our health. Thank you.
Be well,
Carolina Araya
National Association of Travel Healthcare Organizations